How the Europeans Inspired Me.

"I've recently returned from an overseas trip, and during my travels, I had the opportunity to let my creative juices flow. I spent a significant amount of time immersing myself in different cultures, savouring diverse cuisines, appreciating various interior designs, observing fashion trends, and embracing various lifestyles.

I've always known that my personal taste leans heavily towards Mid-Century Modern (MCM) aesthetics, but I've also developed a deep appreciation for British interior design styles. The British have a remarkable knack for incorporating contrasting patterns and styles, prominently featuring timber, and blending eclectic combinations of furniture and antiques. The overall look is just captivating. The British excel in styling, whether it's in the realm of interiors or fashion. While I missed being back home during my travels, I relished the opportunity to be surrounded by traditional architecture filled with intricate details, vibrant colors, and distinctiveness. The unapologetically unique vibe each shop, home, or building exuded brought me immense joy.

Don't get me wrong; there's unquestionable greatness in Australian homes and style. However, I encourage people not to shy away from infusing that sense of uniqueness into their homes. It elevates the overall look and feel significantly.

Australian style typically leans towards simplicity with clean lines, neutral palettes, and natural finishes. We embrace the "less is more" philosophy, emphasizing minimalistic, functional design at the core of our homes. However, without thoughtful consideration, this approach can sometimes result in a bland and personality-lacking space. Drawing inspiration from the European approach, you can inject character into your home while still maintaining that quintessential Australian style. Here are some ways to achieve that balance:

  1. Invest in Art: Consider acquiring a piece of art that resonates with you and reflects your personality.

  2. Incorporate Family History: Bring in a piece of furniture or decor that holds sentimental value or has a history within your family.

  3. Pay Attention to Details: Carefully assess how various elements, like scents or colors, work together in your home. Creating a cohesive atmosphere can make a world of difference.

  4. Embrace Color and Pattern: Don't be afraid to experiment with color or pattern to add layers and interest to your space. If you're unsure where to start, stick with traditional color combinations or patterns.

  5. Unique Lighting: Consider investing in distinctive lighting fixtures that not only illuminate your space but also serve as statement pieces.

By incorporating these elements into your Australian home, you can strike a balance between the simplicity of Australian design and the uniqueness that adds character and personality to your living spaces."


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